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Nutrition Third World Logo

Financial highlights

Financial Highlights

Nutrition Third World takes great pride in its financial efficiency, accountability and transparency.


The Association strives to maximise the use of every euro it receives. A modest percentage of expended resources goes toward administrative cost. All members work on a voluntary basis with the exception of a part-time secretariat.


The total current annual budget averages 200,000 Euros (see “Annual report 2007”).


The organisation is funded by private donors and institutional organisations.


To optimise its actions and reach, NTW actively seeks financial partners willing to co-fund research projects. One of the greatest successes of the Association is its “multiplier effect”, the fact that NTW's grants have often enabled researchers to obtain funding from other sources. (see “Co-financing”)


Since 1995, NTW has been recognised by the Belgian Ministry of Finance and benefits form tax deductibility of donations made to the organisation.


NTW's external auditor is PricewaterhouseCoopers, represented by Mr. Jean Fossion.


As mentioned earlier NTW is a member of AERF (Association pour l'Ethique dans la Récolte de Fonds / Belgian Association for Ethics in Fund Raising).
